What You Wear Influences How You Feel; So, Bohemian Mother of the Bride Dresses Are Ideal

Most of us have experienced it, the confidence boost from certain attire. When preparing for an interview I like to wear my glasses and pair of short heeled shoes. The glasses create a feeling of studiousness while the short heels make me feel more assertive and confident. Shorter heels are also more pragmatic because they allow easy mobility. This overall compilation of attire provides a brain and behavior stimulation that is helpful during an interview.

I am sure we have all experienced this boost of confidence resulting from clothing at some time. Some women have certain dresses they wear to dates and romantic events to create a sexy vibe. Often if you wear it, think it, and feel it you are sexy. So, what an individual wears can actually be indicative of his/her personality. The influence clothing has on an individual and how other people perceive that person is important to be mindful of when trying to select the right dress for your daughter’s wedding. Bohemian mother of the bride dresses are great option to help influence the appropriate thoughts and behaviors for the wedding. 


La maggior parte di noi ha un “dress code” con cui si sente a proprio agio.

Ad esempio, per i nuovi colloqui di lavoro, amo indossare gli occhiali e le scarpe con tacco basso, per comunicare un aspetto affidabile e serio.  I tacchi bassi sono comodi e non mi distraggono dal colloquio! 

Alcune donne amano indossare abiti romantici durante eventi particolari per sentirsi sexy e a proprio agio.

E diciamocelo: l’abito è anche espressione della nostra personalità!

L’abito influenza il nostro stato d’animo ed anche quello di chi ci sta vicino, ecco perchè molte donne si sentono a proprio agio con abiti romantici!

Una delle opzioni è l’abito Bohemian: uno stile che adoro! 

Bohemian mother of the bride dresses have a feminine feel. You are the focal maternal figure at the wedding. You raised your daughter and provided her maternal guidance throughout her life; so, you are the maternal figure of the wedding.

Wearing short heels may influence a feeling of both confidence and mobility at the wedding. Often people feel more confident when they have more vertical inches. Thus, you may find that adding a few inches may influence a feeling of confidence. It will be your daughter’s dream day; so, you want to be as confident and involved as possible. You also want to be able to move as quickly and easily a possible.

Minor details are important as well. This is especially the case when desiring to feel confident. You may want to mindful when preparing for your daughter’s wedding to pay attention to the small details. Maintenance is importance. You want to appear clean and well-kempt;so, be certain to wax any unwanted hair from your face. Also, keep your nails in clean shape. Make-up influences your feelings and how people view you as well. So, be mindful to make certain your make- up is not smeared and messy.


Molte mamme scelgono lo stile Bohemian per il matrimonio delle proprie figlie.

Tale abito le fa sentire confortevoli e materne, a loro agio in uno dei giorni più belli della loro vita.

Anche la scelta dei tacchi è fondamentale: scegliere i tacchi bassi è una scelta consapevole e di stile!

Anche gli accessori sono fondamentali per definire il look: collane, bracciali, anelli e accessori per i capelli sono importanti quanto l’abito. 

E non dimentichiamoci del make-up: una vera scelta di stile da non sottovalutare!

E voi, qual’è lo stile che preferite?

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